Hybrid Full Length

Hybrid Full Length with TT-shelf, Isolation shelves, Hybrid Isolation, cable carriers and Feet of Concrete

“Hybrid full length” is a ultra rigid solution that offers corner-pillars in full length. Available lengths are 670 and 900 mm.

The Hybrid Full Length rack consists  of 900 or 670 mm Corner-Pillars, the Hybrid-Shelf-Kit or Hybrid-Isolation-Shelf-kit and a dedicated Hybrid turn table shelf supported by the unsurpassed Hybrid Isolation System (optional).

In the 900 mm version the total available space between the three shelf trays is 680 mm (using standard shelves). The user can freely determine the amount of shelves to use pending the equipment sizes, as the shelves are fully adjustable along the corner-pillar length.

Click here to read all about Hybrid

Black Black

Black anodized pillar with black top and bottom