Hybrid Wood

Hybrid Wood black oak with Isolation Shelves HD and top shelf in concrete

Hybrid Wood is a rack series within the Hybrid rack series. The aluminum corner pillars are dressed in solid wood both on the front and on the side to give a more warm and home friendly touch. The solid wood part is available in black oak, cherry, oak and walnut of highest possible quality. These new pillars are best fitted with the veneered shelves or concrete shelves that are the same as the shelves in the standard Hybrid rack series, both with and without integrated isolation system.

Black Oak, Walnut, Oak and Cherry

The pillars can be ordered with or without integrated isolation system. The isolation is based mechanical suspension system that very efficient cancel all non desired vibration that origin from the floor or from the equipment itself. In Hybrid Wood the isolation system is hidden in the pillar in order to be as discrete as possible.

Four pillar lengths, 200, 275, 350 and 670mm

The pillars come in package of two with one left and one right mounted side wooden part.

Standard pillar lengths are 200, 275, 350 and 670mm. To the Hybrid Wood is also available turntable top shelf. The turntables are made of a sandwich board available in black oak, oak, walnut and cherry. To the rack can be equipped a sideboard also available in black oak cherry, oak and walnut.

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Hybrid Product Configurator

Hybrid Product Configurator

Hybrid Wood Product Portfolio

Hybrid Isolation Shelf Kit HD

The Hybrid Isolation shelf-kit HD has an inbuilt unsurpassed isolation system that isolates each level from each other as well as from the floor.
Hybrid Isolation shelf-kit HD isolates the equipment from vibration using two shelves with a mechanical suspension system in-between.
The advantage is that each module will be individually isolated and the rack will keep its stability.

The HD variant is made to withstand even higher loads than the isolation shelf-kit. The integrated isolation system in the Isolation shelf-kit HD is even more efficient as it is based on tension spring compared to compression spring used in the Isolation shelf-kit.

The Hybrid Isolation Shelf-kit HD comes with a spring system that contains as many as 48 springs in total and can bear a maximum load of 90kg (24 springs) or 180kg (48 springs). It is easy to adjust the amount of springs in order to optimize the isolation efficiency.

The Isolation shelf-kit HD can be used in both Hybrid standard, Hybrid Full Length as well as Hybrid Wood.

Size of the shelf is 435mm x 495mm x 60-70mm.

The Isolation shelves can be used in both Hybrid standard, Hybrid Full Length as well as Hybrid Wood.

The bottom shelf is available in the following configurations:

  • Bottom shelf: black and white
  • The top shelf: black, white, walnut, cherry, oak, black oak and concrete
  • Extrusions: black and silver

Measurement performance in 50Hz

• 30kg loaded on 4 isolator spots with 3 springs per spot
• Peak improvement with isolation: 90%
• Vibration source is situated below the object and the sensor above the isolated rack shelf.

The mounting of Isolation shelf-kit HD

